Wednesday, August 19, 2009

10 Down!

Ten treatments down!!

I started out the morning having a great devotional and prayer time at 5:45 am with my dear friend. What a blessing God gives us in fellow believers whom we can share our Christian journey with! And there is no better way to start a day than to have prayer with a friend.

I went back home until radiation at 10am. After the treatment, I met with the radiation oncologist. She explained that I would have 28 full radiation treatments in which all 4 areas of the chest, neck and underarm are radiated. Then there would be 5-7 radiation "boosts" which are zaps of radiation to just the tumor area. For a total of 33-35 treatments. So I'm almost 1/3 done!

We enjoyed a nice lunch afterwards with Eric and one of his good friends. He was on duty so he didn't have a real long time but it was such a treat to get to spend time with him. As he left, I watched him pull away in his uniform and I prayed and asked Psalms 91:11 for him; "For He will command His angels concerning you, to guard you in all of your ways; they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone."

Carl and I spent a quiet evening at home together. And now, I will close this day just as I opened it. In prayer and devotion to the one who is worthy of all praise! "O LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things." (Isaiah 25:1)

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